
这样可以观察bonding网卡不同的流量来判断网络均衡情况。参考.IFTOPGuide:DisplayNetworkInterfaceBandwidthUsageonLinux·AnalyzingNetworkTrafficwith ...,Ihaveaprocessusinghttps.IfounditsPIDusingpsandusedthecommandlsof-Pan-pPID-itogettheportnumberitisrunningon.Ineediftoptosee ...,2022年3月16日—Thisiftopcommandguidefollowsmyprevious90LinuxCommandsfrequentlyusedbyLinuxSysadminsarticle...sudoiftop-ieth0-...

iftop网络流量(ip+port)分析工具· Cloud Atlas

这样可以观察bonding网卡不同的流量来判断网络均衡情况。 参考. IFTOP Guide: Display Network Interface Bandwidth Usage on Linux · Analyzing Network Traffic with ...

Network traffic through a particular port using iftop

I have a process using https. I found its PID using ps and used the command lsof -Pan -p PID -i to get the port number it is running on. I need iftop to see ...

iftop command in Linux w examples

2022年3月16日 — This iftop command guide follows my previous 90 Linux Commands frequently used by Linux Sysadmins article ... sudo iftop -i eth0 -f 'port domain'.

Network traffic through a particular port using iftop

2016年3月9日 — I found its PID using ps and used the command lsof -Pan -p PID -i to get the port number it is running on. I need iftop to see the data transfer ...


2011年1月20日 — iftop -i eth0 -f “dst host”; to see only ssh traffic over eth1: iftop -i eth1 -f “dst port 22″. Additionally, iftop allows you to ...


Port Display. p will toggle port display on/off (Both source and destination port). Shift + s, Toggle source port display on/off. Shift + d, Toggle ...

The Sysadmin's Toolbox: iftop

2012年9月25日 — Press the p key while iftop is running, and it will display the ports used for both the source and destination IP for all traffic. The one big ...

How to View Network Port using Iftop Command in Linux?

Run Iftop Command with Port. How to view network port using iftop command in Linux? Command: iftop -p. You can view the port connection of the network to ...

iftop: display bandwidth usage on an interface by host

By default, iftop counts all IP packets that pass through the filter, and the direction of the packet is determined according to the direction the packet is ...

How to View Network Connections in Linux with IFTOP

2018年3月26日 — Today we look at a quick way to troubleshoot networking in Linux - How to View Network Connections in Linux with IFTOP ... port numbers to ...